Early voting is a good thing. Last week I walked into the Posey County Courthouse on my way to work, stopped by the Election Office and voted. It took about five minutes. Posey County Clerk Betty Postletheweight and her friendly staff along with the Election Board made the process easy. It felt good to participate. It made me appreciate all the people who are willing to give of their time, talent and resources to help make this country work. Regardless of the election results there are no losers. We all win thanks to all those who help ensure the citizens remain in control of the government.
Such important but often unrecognized functions as who repairs the roads or runs the schools or patrols our neighborhoods go on without dramatics thanks to millions of public spirited Americans. Thanks to all who perform the tasks and a special thank you to those who are willing to serve but who do not win the opportunity. At the local level we are blessed to experience democracy put to use. On the other hand, when I fall prey to my weakness for schadenfreude and turn on the national cable news networks to see and hear how the presidential race is going I am reminded of beer-fueled sports fans engaged in a food fight.
It may be correct that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not Mother Teresa and Mohandas Gandhi. However, CNN, MSNBC and FOX’s portrayals of them as America’s Medicis seems a little strained. Is it not possible they, just as many at the local level, simply want to serve? Goodness knows neither of them needs a job.
When I watch the national media question either The Donald or The Hillary it usually sounds something like the following faux debate:
News anchor – “Secretary Clinton/Mr. Trump, What is your plan to fight ISIS?”
Secretary Clinton/Mr. Trump – “If elected I will … “
News anchor – “Stop! Quit trying to avoid the all-important issue of your lack of character. Explain to the American people why you have the morals of an alley cat and the trustworthiness of a rattlesnake?”
I do not know Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump. But my guess is they both have thoughts on how we should address such non-sexy matters as war, the economy and health-care. Unfortunately, neither candidate is allowed to ever complete an exposition of any of their positions without being interrupted by a news anchor who wishes to raise ratings with issues only the Kardashians understand.
There is one more presidential debate. Is there any chance the referee will simply let the players play the game?
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