I would like to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, you know, when you could turn on the television and not hear overpaid jerks shouting at one another,“You are lying!” Unfortunately, unless I watch re-runs of “I Love Lucy”, invective is the only fare available. As Anne Murray sings, 🎵”We sure could use a little good news today”🎵. Well, here is some.
My friends Glenn Curtis, Ray Kessler, Jerry King and Harold Morgan, Gentle Reader you might note a particular demographic here, all write a lot of good news. Glenn, Posey County’s Historian Emeritus, even drafts entertaining cartoons about current events and historical ones.
Harold Morgan has written several books on area history with a concentration on World War II. Ray Kessler in his Ray’s Ramblings has preserved many entertaining and enlightening stories while Jerry King, with his wife Marsha’s support, has taught us all a great deal about Posey County and the Civil War with a current emphasis on The Great War.
Posey County is a unique place. I wish we had more information on the Native Americans who first lived here, but from McFadden’s Bluff to 2018 we have some pretty good records, although much of our early information is via oral tradition.
On the other hand, we have several excellent professional historians, such as U.S.I.’s Emeritus Professor of History Donald Pitzer, who have researched and corroborated the deeds and words of Posey County residents who have made significant contributions in many areas.
Of course, tomorrow’s history is today’s news and we need new generations of historians to help preserve it. Chad Williams, the official Poseyville Historian who graduated from North Posey High School in 1988, is one who has joined in the responsibility of documenting our past and present. There are numerous others and I apologize to those who deserve to be mentioned but due to time and space are not.
Each of the people mentioned in this article can be located by name on the Internet. I respectfully refer you to their informative, entertaining and objective efforts to preserve our past and guide our future without resort to diatribe.
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